

By St Vincent

Floral Patterns, brown pleather, denims and white T-shirts. 

Kind of Norwegian pattern. I remember, as a kid I wanted my mother to knit me a pullover with Norwegian snowflakes.

Watermelon is very healthy, it contains negative calories. By neg cal foods you lose more kJ-s than the food has itself! 

Aww, pearls! 

This is heaven. :)

Cheers for colorful socks! 

She has beautiful eyes... 
Nice accessories and nail color, but I don't really fancy those Chanel icons. 
This knot is wicked cute!
A gorgeous room. 
Uhh, those tattoos... perfect!



3 thoughts:

Marcela Gmd said...

Hi Alma , I love your blog!!!
Fantastic post!
Thank you!!
Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela

Preity Lama Tamang said...

Beautiful pictures!! Very inspirational!!

Unknown said...

cute pics!! they lifted my mood up)))want to look at them again and again

your blog is amazing)